Establishment Year of Important Institutions for Commerce


The year of establishment of some important Organisations, Institutions and Acts for the subject of Commerce

1157 Care De Sangiorgio (First Bank)
1157 Bank of Venice (First Public Bank)
1668 First Central Bank
1765 First Savings Bank (Hamberg, Germany)
1872 The Indian Contract Act (1st September)
1875 The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE established)
1881 The Negotiable Instrument Act
1908 The English Companies Act
1913 The Indian Companies Act
1921 The Imperial Bank (27th January)
1923 Workmen’s Compensation Act
1926 Trade Union Act
1930 Sale of Goods Act (1st July)
1932  The Partnership Act
1935 The Imperial Bank became The Reserve Bank of India (RBI- 1934 The RBI Act)
1944 International Monetary Fund ( imf) & World Bank (IBRD- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
1947 The Import Export (Control) Act
1947 The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
1947 Industrial Dispute Act
1948 The UK Companies Act
1948 Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI)
1948 The Employee’s State Insurance Act
1949 The Banking Companies Regulation Act (17th February)
1952 The Indian Planning Commission
1952 All India Handicrafts Board
1952 Employee’s State Insurance Scheme
1952 The Employee’s Provident Fund Act
1953 The Coir Board
1954 The Small Scale Industries Board
1955 State Bank of India
1955 Industrial Credit and Investment Company of India (ICICI)
1956 The Companies Act (1st April )
1956 The Securities and Contract Regulation Act
1956 Life Insurance companies nationalized
1956 International Finance Cooperation
1956 State Trading Corporation (STC- 18th May)
1959 Educational TV was first launched in India
1960 International Development Agency
1961 The Income Tax Act
1961 Maternity Benefits Act
1963 The Unit Trust of India (UTI) Act (1964 started functioning)
1963 Mineral and Metal Trading Corporation (MMTC- 1st October)
1964 The Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI established)(1976 delinked from RBI, 1994 Amended, 1995 1st Public Issue was made)
1964 Export Credit and Gurantee Corporation Ltd. (January)
1965 The Export Act
1966 Asian Development Bank (ADB)
1967 Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN- 6th August)
1969 The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (MRTP) Act
1969 15 Banks were nationalized (6 others in 1980)
1969 National Development Council Committee on Backward Areas
1970 Export Policy Resolution
1970 The Export Policy Resolution
1971 The GIC Act
1971 Family Pension Scheme
1972 The General Insurance Corporation (GIC) Nationalized
1972 The payment of Gratuity Act
1973 Code of Criminal Procedure
1975 Regional Rural Banks
1977 Accounting Standards Board
1977 Industrial Policy Statement
1982 The Export Import (EXIM) Bank (1st January)
1985 South Asian Association  of Regional Cooperation (SAARC- December)
1986 The Consumer Protection Act
1986 The Environment Protection Act
1988 The Securities and Exchange Board of India (established)
1988 MAOCAR Order
1990 Over The Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI Incorporated)
1990 Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI- 27th March delinked from RBI)
1990 ‘Workers Participation in Management’ Bill introduced in Parliament
1991 The New (Industrial) Policy (24th July)
1991 Convertibility of rupee at market rate
1992 The SEBI Act (1995- also became a Statutory body)
1992 The Environment Audit (started from)
1993 Uruguay Round
1994 The National Stock Exchange (NSE established)
1995 SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA- 7th December)
1995 World Trade Organization (WTO- 1st January established, 1997- Policy Reviewed)
1995 Employee’s Pension Scheme
1996 The Depositories Act (20th September)
1996 Capital Adequacy norms for commercial banks
1999 The Foreign Exchange Management Act
1999 Patents (Amended) Act
2002 The Competition Act
2002 The Securitization Act

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