Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and Councils

Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and Councils


Association of Indian Universities (AIU)

The Association of Indian universities (AIU) is a registered society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 with membership of Indian Universities. It provides a forum for administrators and academicians of member universities to exchange views and discuss matters of common concern. It acts as a bureau of information exchange in higher education and brings out a number of useful publications, including the “Universities Handbook”, research papers and a weekly journal titled “University News”.

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The present membership of the Association is 527 including seven Associate Members viz. Kathmandu University, Kathmandu, Nepal, Mauritius University, Mauritius, University of Technology, Mauritius, Royal University of Bhutan, Thimpu, Open University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Middle East University, UAE, and Semey State Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan.

The Association is substantially financed from the annual subscription of the member universities. The Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development provides grants for meeting a part of the maintenance and development expenditure, including research studies, workshops, training programmes for university administrators, orientation programmes and creation of Data Bank of Global(of which Universities( the preliminary document Access to Global Universities is completed). AIU has Evaluation Division, Students Information Service Division, and Publication Sales Division, Sports Division to sponsor Inter-University Tournaments and World University Games:2007, Youth Affairs Division, Library and Documentation Division, Finance Division, Administration Division, Computer Division and Meeting Division.

The AIU is also empowered to grant Associate Membership to universities of the neighbouring countries of India.




1. Indian Council Of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi

The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) was established in 1969 for promoting social science research, strengthening different disciplines, improving quality and quantum of research and its utilization in national policy formulation. To realize these objectives, the ICSSR envisaged the development of institutional infrastructure, identifying research talents, formulating research programmes, supporting professional organizations and establishing linkages with social scientists in other countries. The ICSSR provides maintenance and development grants to various Research Institutes and Regional Centres across the country. Regional Centres have been set-up as extended arms of the ICSSR to support research and development of local talents and its programmes and activities in a decentralized manner.

Since 1976, the ICSSR has been carrying out surveys of research in different disciplines of social sciences.

With a view to give special emphasis to the promotion of social science research in the North Eastern Region, initiatives have been taken in the ICSSR to support research proposals and other activities.


2. Indian Council Of Philosophical Research (ICPR), New Delhi

Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR) was set up in 1977 by the Ministry of Education, Government of India as an autonomous organization for the promotion of research in Philosophy and allied discipline. The ICPR was born out of the conviction that Indian philosophy tradition deserves to have an exclusive and special agency in the country.

The Council has a broad-based membership comprising of distinguished philosophers, social scientists, representatives of the University Grants Commission, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Indian Council of Historic Research, Indian National Science Academy, the Central Government and the Government of Uttar Pradesh. The Governing Body (GB) and the Research Project Committee (RPC) are the main authorities of the council. These bodies are vested with well-defined powers and functions.


3. Project Of History Of Indian Science, Philosophy & Culture (PHISPC)

PHISPC was launched in the year 1990 under the aegis of Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR) with the basic objective of undertaking inter-disciplinary study so that inter-connection between Science, Philosophy and Culture as developed in the long history of Indian civilization, could be brought out in detail. From April 1, 1997, PHISPC was officially de-linked from Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR) for greater autonomy to complete the Project by the stipulated period and is now affiliated to Centre for Studies in Civilizations (CSC). The government of India has recognized CSC as the nodal agency for the purposes of funding the ongoing research project, PHISPC.


4. Indian Council Of Historical Research (ICHR), New Delhi

Indian Council of Historical Research is an autonomous organization which was established under the Societies Registration Act (Act XXI of 1860) in 1972. The prime objectives of the Council are to give a proper direction to historical research and to encourage and foster objective and scientific writing of history. The broad aims of the Council are to bring historians together, provide a forum for the exchange of views between them, and give a national direction to an objective and rational presentation interpretation of history, to sponsor historical research programmes and projects and to assist institutions and organizations engaged in historical research. It has a broad view of history so as to include in its fold the history of Science and Technology, Economy, Art, Literature, Philosophy, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Archaeology, Socio-Economic formation processes and allied subjects containing strong historical bias and contents.

The ICHR has established two Regional Centres, one at Bangalore and the other at Guwahati with a view to reaching out the far-flung areas of the country.


5. National Council of Rural Institutes (NCRI), Hyderabad

The National Council of Rural Institute is a registered autonomous society fully funded by the Central Government. It was established on October 19, 1995, with its Headquarters at Hyderabad. Its main objectives are to promote rural higher education on the lines of Mahatma Gandhi’s vision for education so as to take up challenges of micro planning for the transformation of rural areas as envisaged in National Policy on Education (NPE) 1986. In order to achieve its objectives, the NCRI has been identifying various programmes for providing support and financial assistance, to be taken up by suitable institutions including voluntary organizations.


Professional Councils


Professional councils are responsible for recognition of courses, promotion of professional institutions and providing grants to undergraduate programmes and various awards. The statutory professional councils are:


  1. All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE)
  2. Medical Council of India (MCI)
  3. Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR)
  4. National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)
  5. Dental Council of India (DCI)
  6. Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) Indian
  7. Nursing Council (INC)
  8. Bar Council of India (BCI)
  9. Central Council of Homeopathy (CCH) Central
  10. Council for Indian Medicine (CCIM)
  11. Council of Architecture
  12. Distance Education Council (DEC)
  13. Rehabilitation Council
  14. National Council for Rural Institutes (NCRI)
  15. State Councils of Higher Education (SCHE)



1. All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), Faridabad

All India council for Technical Education has been established under the AICTE Act, 1987. The council is authorized to take all steps that are considered appropriate for ensuring coordinated and integrated development of technical education and for maintenance of standards. The Council may, amongst other things:


  • Coordinate the development of technical education in the country at all levels;
  • Evolve suitable performance appraisal system for technical institutions and universities imparting technical education, incorporating norms and mechanisms for enforcing accountability;
  • Laydown norms and standards for courses, curricula, physical and instructional facilities, staff pattern, staff qualifications, quality instruction, assessment and examinations;
  • Grant approval for starting new technical institutions and for the introduction of new course or programmes in consultation with the agencies


2. Medical Council of India (MCI), New Delhi

The Medical Council of India (MCI) was set up by the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, amended in 1993. The council is empowered to prescribe minimum standards for medical education required for granting recognized medical qualifications by universities or medical institutions in India.


3. Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi

ICAR has established various research centres in order to meet the agricultural research and education needs of the country.It is actively pursuing human resource development in the field of agricultural sciences by setting up numerous agricultural universities spanning the entire country. It provides funding to nearly 30(Thirty) State Agricultural Universities, one Central University and several Deemed Universities. These universities employ about 26,000 scientists for teaching, research and extension education; of these over 6000 scientists are employed in the ICAR supported coordinated projects.


4. National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), New Delhi

The National Council for Teacher Education is a statutory body set up under the National Council for Teacher Education Act, 1993 to facilitate planned and coordinated development of the teacher education system in the country, and for regulation and proper maintenance of norms and standards in the teacher education system. The mandate given to the NCTE is very broad and covers the whole gamut of teacher education programs including research and training of persons to equip them to teach at pre­primary, primary, secondary and senior secondary stages in schools, and non­formal education, part­time education, adult education and distance (correspondence) education courses.


5. Dental Council of India (DCI), New Delhi

Dental Council of India, constituted under the Denstists Act, 1948, is a Statutory Body incorporated under an Act of Parliament to regulate the dental education and the profession of Dentistry throughout India. The Council is responsible for according recognition to dental degree awarded by various universities and also for maintaining uniform standards of dental education in India. The Dental Council of India (DCI) lays down minimum requirements in respect of staff and infrastructure and prescribes the syllabus and the scheme of examinations.


6. Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), New Delhi

The Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), also known as Central council, was constituted under section 3 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948. The PCI controls pharmacy education and profession in India up to graduate level. The Council prescribes the minimum standard of education for qualification as pharmacist.


7. Indian Nursing Council (INC), New Delhi

The Indian Nursing Council is a statutory body constituted under the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947. The Council is responsible for regulation and maintenance of a uniform standard of training for Nurses, Midwives, Auxilliary Nurse­Midwives and Health Visitors.


8. Bar Council of India (BCI), New Delhi

The Bar Council of India is empowered to make rules to discharge its functions under the Advocates Act 1961. An important rule­making power is with reference to laying down guidelines for the standards of professional conduct and etiquette to be observed by advocates. The Bar Council of India Rules may prescribe for a class or category of person entitled to be enrolled as advocate. The Bar Council of India can also specify the conditions subject to which an advocate must have the right to practise and the circumstances under which a person must be deemed to practise as an advocate in a court.

9. Central Council of Homeopathy (CCH), New Delhi

The Central Council of Homoeopathy was established under the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973. The Council prescribes and recognizes all homeopathic medicine qualifications. Any university or medical institutions that desires to grant a medical qualification in homeopathy is required to apply to the Council. The Council is responsible for constitution and maintenance of a Central Register of Homoeopathy and for matters connected therewith. All universities and Board of medical institutions in India are required to furnish all information regarding courses of study and examination. The Council  is empowered to appoint inspectors at examinations and visitors to examine facilities.


10. Central Council for Indian Medicine (CCIM), New Delhi

The Central Council of Indian Medicine is the statutory body constituted under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970. This Council prescribes minimum standards of education in Indian Systems of Medicine viz. Ayurved, Siddha, Unani Tibb. The Council is responsible to maintain a Central Register on Indian Medicine and prescribes Standards of Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Code of Ethics to be observed by the practitioners. The Council is empowered to appoint medical inspectors to observe the conduct of examinations, and visitors to inspect facilities in colleges, hospitals and other institutions imparting instruction in Indian medicine.


11. Council of Architecture, New Delhi

The Council of Architecture (COA) was constituted under the provisions of the Architects Act, 1972, enacted by the Parliament of India. The Act provides for registration of Architects, standards of education, recognized qualifications and standards of practice to be complied with by the practicing architects. The Council of Architecture is responsible to regulate the education and practice of profession throughout India besides maintaining the register of architects. Any person desirous of carrying on the profession of “Architect” must register himself with Council of Architecture.


12. Distance Education Council, New Delhi

Distance Education Council was constituted under statute 28 arising from Section 25 of the Indira Gandhi National Open University Act, 1985. The Distance Education Council (DEC) is responsible for the promotion and coordination of the open university and distance education system and for determination of its standards. The Council provides academic guidelines to promote excellence, encourage use of innovative technologies and approaches, enable convergence of all systems and sharing of resources through collaborative networking for access to sustainable education, skill upgradation and training to all.

13. Rehabilitation Council of India, New Delhi

The Rehabilitation Council of India was set up as a registered society in 1986. However, it was soon found that a Society could not ensure proper standardization and acceptance of the standards by other Organizations. The Parliament enacted Rehabilitation Council of India Act in 1992. The Rehabilitation Council of India become Statutory Body on 22nd June 1993. The RCI Act was amended by the Parliament in 2000 to work it more broad based. The Act casts onerous responsibility on the Council. It also prescribes that any one delivering services to people with disability, who does not possess qualifications recognised by RCI, could be prosecuted. Thus the Council has the twin responsibility of standardizing and regulating the training of personnel and professional in the field of Rehabilitation and Special Education.


14. National Council for Rural Institutes, Hyderabad

National Council of Rural Institutes is an autonomous society fully funded by the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. Registered on 19th October, 1995 with its Headquarter at Hyderabad, It was established with a main objective of promoting Rural Higher Education for advancing rural livelihoods with the instrument of education on the lines of Mahatma Gandhiji’s revolutionary concept of Nai Talim, a functional education based on the values proposed by Gandhiji. Other objectives of the council include teachers training, extension and research by networking with policy making bodies such as UGC, AICTE and research organizations like CSIR, AICTE etc., in addition to encouraging other educational institutions and voluntary agencies to develop in accordance with Gandhian Philosophy of education.


15. State Councils of Higher Education

Following the National Policy on Education, respective state governments have established State Councils of Higher Education (SCHE). These councils prepare coordinated programmes of development of higher education in each state. Thus they seek to consolidate the efforts and investments of institutions of higher education with the state.

  1. Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher
  2. Education Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education
  3. UP State Council for Higher Education

Other Institutions of Higher Learning


  1. Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla

The Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS), Shimla was established in the year 1965, under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and housed in Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla. It is a residential center for free and creative enquiry into the fundamental themes and problems of life and thought. The functions of the Institute are:

  • To promote creative thought in areas which have deep human significance and to provide environment suitable for academic research and also to undertake, organize, guide and promote advanced research in Humanities, Social Sciences, Science, Technology and Development; Methodologies and Techniques;
  • To provide facilities for advanced consultation, collaboration and exhaustive library and documentation facilities; including financial assistance for advanced study for teachers and other scholars for specific period to be determined in each case;
  • To organize National Seminars, Lectures, Symposia, Conferences etc;
  • To invite Visiting Professors and Visiting Scholars from India and abroad to deliver lectures or conduct research;
  • To start, conduct, print, publish and exhibit any magazines, periodicals, newspapers, books, pamphlets, monographs or posters that may be considered desirable for the promotion of the object;
  • To make arrangements for pooling the results of research, analyzing and adopting them in terms of their social relevance for the publication;
  • To collaborate with other academic or governmental bodies in the dissemination of knowledge; and
  • To award Fellowships for conduct of independent research by scholars and researchers.


  1. Dr. Zakir Husain Memorial College Trust, New Delhi

Dr. Zakir Husain Memorial College Trust, Delhi was established in 1973 to manage and maintain Zakir Husain College (formerly Delhi College. Prime Minister is the Chairperson of the Trust and Minister of Human Resource Development is the Vice-Chairperson. Zakir Husain College is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Delhi. Earlier the college was housed in an old and dilapidated historical building situated at Ajmeri Gate in the walled city. That campus was more than 300 years old. The college had the blessings of national leaders such as Late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the First Prime Minister of India, and Late Dr. Zakir Husain, Former President of India. The University Grants Commission meets 95% of the recurring grants of the college and the balance 5% is meet by the Dr. Zakir Husain College Trust. Since the Trust has no resource of its own, grants are provided by the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development. Besides, the maintenance expenditure of the College, the Trust and the University Grants Commission meet on 50:50 percent bases, the cost of the construction of the new campus, the land of which was allotted by the Ministry of Urban Development.

With the completion of the first phase of the college buildings, the college shifted to its new campus from the old building at Ajmeri Gate in 1991.


  1. Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeethya, New Delhi

Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, New Delhi was established in 1962 and declared a ‘Deemed to be University’ in 1987.

The Vidyapeetha provides courses of study from Shastri to Vidya Vachaspati (D. Litt.). Since 1997-98, Vidyapeetha is also offering diploma in Vedic and conducting refresher courses for teachers. It also offers programmes in faculties namely: Sahitya; Sanskrit; Darshan and Veda Vedanga. These faculties have eighteen departments viz. Sahitya, Puranetihasa, Prakit, Nyaya Vashaishik, Sankhya Yoga, Advaita Vedanta, Jain Darshan, Sarva Darshan, Mimamsa, Vishishtadvaita Vedanta, Veda, Dharam Shastra, Vyakaran, Paurohitya, Jyotish, Shiksha Shastra, and Shikshacharya. The Vidyapeeth also offers P.G. Diploma in Vastu Shastra and Medical Astrology.


  1. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati

Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati was established in 1986 with the objective of preserving learning of Shastras as well as promotion of Sanskrit language, literature, philosophy through teaching and research. These institutions were declared as ‘Deemed to be University’ in the year 1987. A number of programmes and activities for realising their objectives in effective manner have been started by both these institutions. These institutions receive annual grants through the University Grants Commission for meeting their expenses. The Vidyapeetha provides courses of study in various disciplines ranging from Prak Shastri (Intermediate) to Vidya Varidhi (Ph.D) and Diploma and Certificate Courses. The Department Pedagogy of this Vidyapeetha is functioning as an Institute of Advanced Study in Education (IASE) as a measure to use modern technology. A computer center was established in Vidyapeeth to accelerate its publication activities. The Vidyapeetha has the following departments: Sahitya, Vyakarana, Nyaya, Jyotisha, Advaitavedanta, Dvaita Vedanta, Visistadvaita Vedanta, Research and Publication, Physical Education and Education (IASE).


  1. National University Of Education Planning And Administration (NUEPA), New Delhi

The National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA) is a Deemed to be University set up and fully financed by the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development. The objectives of the Institute are to undertake, promote and coordinate research in educational planning and administration, provide training and consultancy services in this field, to train and orient key level functionaries as well as senior level administrators from the centre and states, to collaborate with other agencies, institutions and organisations, to provide facilities for training and research to other countries particularly of the Asian region in the field of educational planning and administration and to prepare, print and publish papers, periodicals and books, to share experience and expertise in the area of educational planning and administration with other countries and to conduct comparative studies for the furtherance of these objectives.

The NUEPA maintains a well stocked Library/Documentation Centre on Educational Planning and Administration and Inter Disciplinary subjects. It is perhaps one of the richest libraries in the field of Educational Planning and Management in the Asian Region. It serves the faculty, research scholars and participants of the various programmes, as also other organisations through Inter Library Loan system.


  1. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (RSKS), New Delhi

The Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (RSKS) was established on October 15, 1970 as an autonomous organisation registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act XXI of 1860) for the development and promotion of Sanskrit all over the country. It was declared a Deemed to be University in May 2002. It is fully funded by Government of India. It functions as an apex body for propagation and development of Sanskrit and assists the Ministry of Human Resource Development in formulating and implementing various plans and schemes for the development of Sanskrit studies. It has assumed the role of a nodal body for the effective implementation of various recommendations made by the Sanskrit Commission set up by the Government of India, Ministry of Education in 1956 to consider the propagation and development of Sanskrit language and education in all its aspects.

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